• September 22, 2024

    Series: Learn to Lead

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    The are many dangers that can tank our leadership: bad decisions, pride, over-extension, even bad luck.  But what if the greatest danger to our leadership was something completely avoidable?  What if it’s the comfort and idleness that our growing leadership brings that could be our greatest undoing?  This week we’ll explore a famous biblical leader’s fall from grace, what seemingly-insignificant problem caused his fall, and how God eventually restored him.  We’ll find out that God can help protect us from that same danger, and offers us that same forgiveness.

  • September 15, 2024

    Series: Learn to Lead

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    When it comes to leadership, they say it’s “lonely at the top.” But the truth is, it can be lonely as we grow in leadership at any stage. The pressure to become a breakout star, to rise above others, and to achieve self-made success can leave us cold and isolated. But what if the key to real leadership wasn’t flying solo, but developing rich and supportive friendships? This week we’ll take a look at one of the most powerful friendships in the Bible and see how God uses deep relationships to help us maximize our personal influence.

  • September 8, 2024

    Series: Learn to Lead

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Climbing the ladder of leadership and success is exhausting. And we’ve all heard the horror stories about the stress and fickle rewards that wait for us, even if we reach the top. So, what if there was a different path to becoming a person of powerful influence – a path that didn’t come at the cost of our families, our standards, and our own sense of wholeness? As we kick off this new fall season, we’ll start by exploring the story of how one of the most famous people in the Bible, King David, was called into leadership by God. We’ll discover God’s new and refreshing perspective on how each one of us can maximize our personal impact.

  • September 1, 2024

    Series: Hear The Call

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Who is your leader? Not at work, or school, or home… but over your whole life? Who do you look to for wisdom and warnings about how to live your life? As we finish our three-week series in the Old Testament book of Judges, we’ll see how this dark season in Israel’s history ended with a movement away from God, not toward God. We’ll see what their story can teach us about keeping our hearts and minds open to God’s loving leadership of our lives.

  • August 25, 2024

    Series: Hear The Call

    Speaker: Krista Reyna

    Someone once said: “Knowledge is learning from your mistakes; wisdom is learning from other people’s mistakes.” This week in our series from the Old Testament book of Judges, we’ll explore the story of one of the Bible most tragic leaders – Samson. We’ll discover that it is better to follow God’s desires, than our own… and we should live with the end of our story in the front of our minds.

  • August 18, 2024

    Series: Hear The Call

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    What does it mean to be “called” by God? We sometimes have this image in our minds that people who are called by God have a heroic certainty about their calling, make big decisions all by themselves… and are impervious to big mistakes. But the stories of the Bible give us a different picture. As begin our three-week series in the Old Testament book of Judges, we’ll look at one of the most celebrated female leaders in the Bible – Deborah. Through her story, we’ll see how God brings us not only his presence in all the details of our lives, but also the people we need so we don’t have to face life’s battle alone.

  • August 11, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    You’ve hit the wall. You’re out of energy. The obstacle is too big to overcome. Maybe it’s a work, in a relationship, a health crisis, or in your relationship with God. What do you do when you are facing a battle that is too big for you to fight? In our last message of our series, The Great Rescue, we’ll look at the story of the Battle of Jericho, and unlikely military victory that can remind us of the unusual plans and partnerships that get us through the everyday battles of our lives.

  • August 4, 2024

    Speaker: Ashley Diehl

    We are all told to plan the future, but it’s easy to be so invested in the future that we miss what God has for us right in the present.  This is especially difficult when “the present” isn’t what we would like it to be. How can we thrive in the present without getting ahead of ourselves. This week, in our series The Great Rescue, we’ll look at the story of God miraculously providing food for the Israelites as they wandered the desert. We’ll see how they learned to trust God for their “daily bread” and how the “desert experiences” in our lives can help us to grow in trust as well!

  • July 28, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    We live in an instant culture. We are used to quick results and fast changes. When things are slow or take time, we assume something is wrong with us or the system. But some of the most important events in life require great patience. In this second week of our four-week series called The Great Rescue, we’ll spend time in the story of “Passover.” We’ll see how this long night of waiting for God’s divine rescue can help us find confidence and connection with others as we wait for importance changes in our lives.

  • July 21, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Many of us experience what is called “Imposter Syndrome.” It’s the feeling of anxiety when called to something important or being afraid someone will see you as fraud or phony. This is a common experience, especially in the spiritual life. This week, begin a four-week series The Great Rescue, looking at the greatest imposter syndrome story in the Bible – when God calls Moses to deliver the Hebrew people from Egyptian slavery. We’ll see how this Moses’ calling by God can encourage us with our everyday callings to work, relationships, and our own relationship with God!

  • July 14, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    The story of Joseph in the Bible is so dramatic, it became the basis for a Broadway musical! It’s full of incredible highs, but even more intense lows. Through it all, we’re able to see how God’s promises are consistent, even in times of hardship and testing. This week we’ll learn to trust God’s promises more, find him active even in our seasons of difficulty, and share his love with people in need around us.

  • July 8, 2024

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    In the story from the Bible we’ll explore this week, God challenges a man named Abraham to trust him completely.  Abraham must face emotions we’re very familiar with in our complicated world: confusion, worry, fear, and even panic.  But Abraham gives us an incredible example of trusting God’s promises over the power of his own emotions.  Together we’ll learn how we can follow Abraham’s example, trust God boldly in our lives, and reap the rich reward of God’s presence and peace.

  • June 30, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    During this three-week message series, we’re exploring how some of the founders of our faith connected with God, put their trust in his unique promises, and changed the world. In this first week, we’ll meet Abraham and see how he responds to God’s call to radically transform his life. Abraham’s story will inspire us to consider our own trust in God and what it feels like to bravely walk into his plans.

  • June 23, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Where do you find your identity? What is your mission in life? We tend to find our identity in what we can build and our mission in our own causes. In the last of our four-week series, IN THE BEGINNING, we’ll arrive at the ancient “Tower of Babel.” We’ll discover that we tend to build moments to ourselves and huddle close together to play it safe, but God has a much bigger plan for our lives!

  • June 16, 2024

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    Noah’s Ark is a story we often think we know well, but beneath the familiar children’s storybook surface lies a profound message about sin, judgment, and God’s love. This tale isn’t just about animals on a boat; it’s about understanding the seriousness of sin and the hope of rescue through God’s love. Noah’s obedience and faith led to salvation for him and his family, illustrating that God always provides a way out of our brokenness. This story reminds us that God offers a fresh start and calls us to live connected to Him, embracing His guidance and promises.

  • June 9, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    The world seems to be falling apart all around us… and our personal struggles seem worse than ever. This doesn’t seem to be what God intended life to be like. In this second of our four-week series, IN THE BEGINNING, we’ll journey to the ancient Garden of Eden and discover how we are like Adam and Eve – crossing boundaries that lead to destruction, but thankfully, never outside God’s forgiving love.

  • June 2, 2024

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    What wakes you up in the morning? What shapes your view of the day? Perhaps our days should begin where God’s story begins – with goodness and gratitude. In this first of our four-week series, IN THE BEGINNING, we see how the Creation Story in the book of Genesis reminds us that when the world seems out of order, we can trust in a God who makes all things good.

  • May 26, 2024

    Series: Our Whole Story

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    Next week we’re going to begin a journey of walking through the entire story of the Bible over the course of 18 months. In the end, we’ll all understand the Bible more and have a renewed connection with God. But is it only AFTER the project is over that we’ll see the benefit? Or is there transformation to be found along the way? We’ll spend this Sunday walking through the plan for our journey through the Bible, and discover how God will use every Sunday to show us more of his love as we explore the Bible together.

  • May 19, 2024

    Series: Our Whole Story

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Starting in June, we’ll begin a full 18 months of walking through the whole story of the Bible. During this project, each of us will gain a better understanding of how God wants to speak to us through the Bible, how he has related to people throughout history, and how he wants us to relate to him today. We’ll spend this week prepping for the journey, wrapping our minds around all of the benefits of understanding the message of the Bible better.

  • May 12, 2024

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    Worship is a fantastic way to connect directly to God. But what difference does it make when we all have that experience at the same time on a Sunday morning? What benefit could my worship be to others? This week we’ll explore the true potential of worshiping God together, and how that could bring all of us closer to each other, and to him.