Jesus Walks on Water

Jesus Walks on Water

To view the Leader Guide for this week, click here.

To view a .docx version of this guide, click here.


Last week, we discussed Jesus’ interaction with two sisters, Mary and Martha, where he emphasized the importance of prioritizing Jesus and his teachings over what we can become distracted by within the world.  

During the “Apply” section last week, everyone was encouraged to write down specific action steps they would work on throughout the week. Take some time to discuss how that went with the group. 

This week we will be discussing the story of Jesus walking on the water to meet some of his disciples who were caught in a storm on the Sea of Galilee.  

First, begin your meeting in prayer for God’s blessing over this time with your group. 


  • What is something you took a “leap of faith” on that actually worked out?  
    • Were you more excited or scared before taking the “leap”?  
      • Would you still have been glad that you tried if it had gone poorly? Why do you think that is? 
  • How do you evaluate what’s worth taking a leap of faith in? What’s worth the risk for you? 

Opening Thought 

Sometimes, we can only focus on our fears in front of us. Many times, it’s just easier to go with what we can control. There is, however, a different kind of peace that comes when we shift our attention toward something greater. Through the story we’re reading today, we can see the way that Jesus invites everyone, in moments of doubt or fear, to trust and turn our attention to him and remember that we’re not facing things alone. 

This leads us to our main idea for this week:  

Main idea for the week

We can have greater faith in Jesus by keeping our attention on him

Where we are this week 

Jesus is continuing his ministry to the people who live in the region of Galilee, where he is now regularly performing miracles. Jesus’ most recent miracle is multiplying only a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish to be able to feed over 5000 people (Matthew 14:13-21). Immediately after this, he sends his disciples across the Sea of Galilee (which they are near) and goes onto a mountain to be alone and pray.  


Read each set of verses out loud as a group, making observations as you go. Afterward discuss each of the connected questions before moving to the next set of verses: 


Mark 6:45-50 


  • Why do you think Jesus’ first actions after sending the disciples away was to separate himself to pray? 
    • How can time alone in prayer influence your relationship with Jesus? Why do you think this is? 
      • How often do you prioritize prayer in your life? What challenges do you come across when trying to prioritize this? 
  • What does the disciples’ fear in the storm reveal about common human reactions to the unknown or supernatural? 


Matthew 14:27-32 


  • How might the disciples have felt after they knew it was Jesus walking on water? 
    • Imagine yourself as one of the apostles in the boat. How would you be reacting to this entire experience? 
  • How can this story help you encourage people in your life and community to trust and believe Jesus will have their back? 
    • How does Jesus’ authority over nature inspire you in times of fear and uncertainty? 
  • What lessons about faith and doubt can you learn from Peter walking on water? 
    • When do you find yourself looking away from Jesus because you fear the world?  
      • If you are comfortable sharing, what’s an area of your life right now where you’re feeling a mix of doubt and hope at the same time?  
        • What’s one thing that would make this situation feel less scary? 
  • What is the significance of the apostle’s statement that Jesus is the Son of God? 
    • Why do you think people tend to get distracted from our most impactful moment where we realize the significance of Jesus? 


Based on the verses we just read, there are some things that we can do in response. Take a moment to discuss these questions as a group to decide what your personal action steps for the week can be: 

  • How will you try to strengthen your faith in God when faced with (seemingly) impossible circumstances, instead of doubting? 
  • What steps will you take to trust God more, knowing he has influence over the things in our lives we think are impossible to do anything about? 
  • What will you do to try to achieve a life of faith that resembles Peter’s initial faith? 
    • How will you apply the lesson from Peter’s experience when you face doubts about God in your life? 
  • What is one practical way we as a group can encourage each other to turn to Jesus instead of the world from now on when we are afraid? 


Read the first section to your group, then read the verse out loud to the group, and finally, move to the Prayer and Verses section: 

When we focus on the world instead of Jesus right in front of us, we can let our doubts and fears overwhelm us, but when we shift our attention to Jesus, he will hold us up and help us get through our challenging times by his strength. Just like the story we read, Jesus invites us to turn our focus to Him, especially in those moments of uncertainty, and remember that we’re not facing things alone. As we move forward, let’s carry that reminder with us.  

Prayer and Verses 

Ask for prayer requests and conclude your time with prayer then share the Key Verse for the Week and Daily Devotional Verses with the group. 

Thematic Reflection Verse for the Week  

*Read this verse, then encourage the practice of memorization through the week. 

John 14:1 

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” 

**When practiced consistently, memorizing Bible verses can be an important spiritual practice that centers your mind around the truth that God has given us. 

Daily Devotional Verses  

Use the S.O.A.P. method to reflect on the verses below. 

Scripture: Read the verses several times. Reading out loud can be helpful as well. 
Observation: What can you see about the scripture you read? 
Application: What is God wanting you to believe, do, or feel, based on what you have read? 
Prayer: This is a chance to talk to God about what you have read and ask him for help in living out what you’ve learned. 

Day 1: Philippians 4:6 

Day 2: Matthew 21:21-22 

Day 3: Romans 5:1 

Day 4: 2 Thessalonians 3:16 

Day 5: Psalm 4:8 

Day 6: Isaiah 12:2