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Series: Be Well

Series Details

Be Well

February 18, 2024 - March 24, 2024

We all want to experience wellness in our lives. We want healthy minds and bodies, great relationships, and a positive sense of purpose in life. Our culture offers us endless options to optimize our lives, but Jesus invites us into the form of wellness rooted in the spiritual life. In this series leading up to Easter, we’ll discuss how our discovering intimacy with Jesus can lead to greater wellness, and wellness can be an invitation to greater intimacy with Jesus.

Messages: 6

Messages in Be Well

  • March 24, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus’ humble entry into Jerusalem on his way to the cross. On this Sunday 2000 years ago, those who knew of Jesus’ miracles and teachings dropped what they were doing and made his entrance into Jerusalem their priority! In this final message in our BE WELL series, we’ll explore the topic of Vocational Wellness and ask: Who or what gets our best time, energy, and resources? We’ll be challenged to make God’s priorities, our priorities.

  • March 17, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    Wellness is not just about you… it’s about US! This week in our BE WELL series, we’ll look at an unusual story in the life of Jesus, when he washed his disciple’s feet, and we’ll see how this humble and intimate act illustrates God’s vision for relational wellness.

  • March 10, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Does your relationship to money come to mind when you think about the topic of wellness? It should! Jesus talked about money more than any other topic! How we earn, save, and generously give money to others is a key component of God’s intended life of wellness. This week in our BE WELL series, we’ll explore ‘Financial Wellness’ by looking through the eyes of a woman who gave all she had to Jesus.

  • March 3, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Krista Reyna

    What is the relationship between the body and the spirit? Many of our greatest successes (and struggles) are rooted in how we understand the body|spirit connection. This week in our BE WELL series, we’ll look one of Jesus’ most celebrated miracles – raising his friend Lazarus from the dead. We’ll see what this event has to say to us about God’s loving plan for the intersection between our physical, mental, and spiritual health!

  • February 25, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    We all gotta eat! But what’s the best way to navigate our relationship with food? There are endless approaches to feasting and fasting, but if we are not careful, we can miss the beautiful simplicity of God’s gift of food. In this second message in our BE WELL series, we’ll explore the connection between food and faith and see how Jesus not only invites himself to our meals but wants to be the source of our ultimate nourishment!

  • February 18, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    We all want ‘wellness’ in our lives, but it is easy for us to find ourselves at two extremes. We either idolize wellness by making our personal self-betterment the most important part of life or we villainize wellness, seeing it as something counter to putting Jesus first. In this first message in our BE WELL series, we explore the topic of biblical wellness by going behind a question Jesus asked a man who looking for healing: “Would you like to get well?”