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Speaker: Jill Lewolt

Executive Pastor of Families and Manhattan Beach Campus Pastor

Jill Lewolt

Messages by Jill Lewolt

  • September 29, 2024

    Series: Learn to Lead

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    When we think of the benefits of successful leadership, the list seems obvious: money, fame, power, control. But what if there was something even more valuable, more life-giving than any of the worldly rewards we usually chase? This week, we’ll finish up our exploration of the greatest kings of the Bible and see how they pursued wisdom above all other goals.

  • July 8, 2024

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    In the story from the Bible we’ll explore this week, God challenges a man named Abraham to trust him completely.  Abraham must face emotions we’re very familiar with in our complicated world: confusion, worry, fear, and even panic.  But Abraham gives us an incredible example of trusting God’s promises over the power of his own emotions.  Together we’ll learn how we can follow Abraham’s example, trust God boldly in our lives, and reap the rich reward of God’s presence and peace.

  • March 24, 2024

    Series: Be Well

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    Palm Sunday which commemorates Jesus’ humble entry into Jerusalem on his way to the cross. On this Sunday 2000 years ago, those who knew of Jesus’ miracles and teachings dropped what they were doing and made his entrance into Jerusalem their priority! In this final message in our BE WELL series, we’ll explore the topic of Vocational Wellness and ask: Who or what gets our best time, energy, and resources? We’ll be challenged to make God’s priorities, our priorities.

  • February 4, 2024

    Series: Right Side Up

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    There is only one thing that we can say for sure will happen this year: change. But, for some of us, that’s the most terrifying guarantee of them all. How can Jesus help us face challenges with more confidence? What does it look like to follow Jesus into a world of change? This week we’ll finish our series by looking at Jesus’ promise to be with us and guide us through even the biggest challenges 2024 has to offer.

  • November 12, 2023

    Series: Simple Faith

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    Following Jesus is a lifelong, everyday Journey. What can we do when we grow weary in our pursuit of a simple, flourishing faith or when our lives go off course? We will answer that question this week as we close out this series from Galatians. We will see in chapter 6 that we can help one another through accountability and encouragement to stay focused on the goal of the spiritual life.

  • October 1, 2023

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    Power is not meant to be held; it’s meant to be given away. It’s a natural urge to want to acquire and retain power, but real influence is a dynamic process of “catch and release.” Rather than holding onto our power, God invites us to share who we are and what we have with others. This week, we’ll see how Jesus believed that we are better together and teaches us to intentionally invest in others.

  • August 13, 2023

    Series: Backstory III

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    Its always easy to have faith, right? Well, if you have been a follower of Jesus for more than an hour, you know this isn’t always true. While we live here on this earth, Jesus himself said we will have trials and sorrows. So how do we maintain our faith when its hard? This week we will discover just that as we hear one of the most famous stories of the Old Testament! We will see how resilient faith makes it possible to face any circumstance.

  • June 18, 2023

    Series: Lenses

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    When is the last time you received a letter that encouraged you… or challenged you?  A… read more

  • April 30, 2023

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    The challenge of constructing or reconstructing our faith can seem daunting. We could find ourselves stuck, with no idea how to get started or keep moving. Thankfully, the process of building faith comes with a clear guide: God’s truth in the Bible. Learning to read the Bible and understand who God is through it is the ultimate way to build the kind of faith that overcomes even the most difficult challenges. 

  • February 12, 2023

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    Friendships should be fun and easy! At least, that is what many of us are prone to believe. But, this belief will limit our friendships when other emotions are necessary. This week we’ll look at the friendship essential of emotional connection. Learning from the Book of Proverbs and seeing examples from Jesus’ own friendships, we will discover how a deeper understanding of our own emotions can help us find better connections and more meaningful relationships with our friends.

  • November 20, 2022

    Series: Get Ready

    Speaker: Jill Lewolt

    During the Get Ready series we’ve learned that preparing for Jesus’ return isn’t about just sitting around and waiting; we have important things to do while we wait! This weekend Pastor Jill Lewolt takes a look at three areas that Paul thinks are important to pay attention to while we live in the waiting: our time, our mind, and one another.