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Series: The Wait Is Over

Series Details

The Wait Is Over

December 4, 2022 - December 18, 2022

Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays in the world.  It never takes us by surprise. Jesus’ birth wasn’t a surprise either!  People had been anticipating the arrival of the Messiah for centuries!  Ancient Hebrew prophecies pointed to the long-awaited Savior of the World!  In this series, we’ll look at three of the most well-known prophecies fulfilled on Christmas and discover the deep significance they still have for us today.   

Messages: 3

Messages in The Wait Is Over

  • December 18, 2022

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    What should we do when life doesn’t as planned? We can believe that God is directing us to divine detours! Christmas reminds us that God’s love directs our lives. Pastor Jason looks at a prophecy about the infant Jesus becoming a refugee in Egypt, and we’ll explore how God is still in the business of guiding us to safety and peace.

  • December 11, 2022

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    We always wait for that next big thing—that job, that relationship, healing, and event that will move us up in life. But God is at work in the small things. Christmas reminds us that God’s greatest work comes from a place of humility. Pastor Jason looks at one of the great Bible prophecies about Jesus’ birth: that the King of Kings would be born in a poor, defenseless village. We’ll explore how we can be more aware of God’s power in our lives, especially when we feel weak and vulnerable.

  • December 4, 2022

    Speaker: Alex Grahmann

    What can we do when life doesn’t make sense? We can trust that God is with us! Rather than praying and waiting for God to “show up” and do something, Christmas reminds us that God is already here! As we start our new message Series The Wait Is Over, Pastor Alex Grahmann will look at one of the great Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus birth, the promise of “God with us.” We’ll explore how we can be more aware of God’s presence in our lives, especially when life doesn’t seem to make sense.