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Speaker: Jason Cusick

Lead Pastor

Jason Cusick

Messages by Jason Cusick

  • May 21, 2023

    Series: Lenses

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    What keeps the world from spiraling out of control? Laws! From the laws of nature to the laws we create, the purpose of law is to help us live well in God’s good world. As we begin our series looking at different genres of the Bible, we start where the Bible starts. God gave a specific set of laws to the Jewish people to help them live in a unique way. We’ll see how the laws God gave them encouraged freedom, not legalism, and reflected God’s concern for all areas of life! And we’ll also see how, through Jesus, we can honor the principles of those laws by loving God and loving others!

  • May 14, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Whenever we go the doctor, they check our vitals to see if we’re healthy. What are the vital signs of a healthy spiritual life?  This weekend, we’ll look at four teachings of Jesus that can help us check our spiritual vitals so we can have a healthy and growing faith!

  • May 5, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Constructing or reconstructing our faith is not a solo project. We must connect with and rely on each other for input and encouragement. This week we’ll look at a biblical example of how people on the journey of faith can form a solid team that keeps them stay motivated, disciplined, and focused on the goal of building a strong faith.

  • April 16, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    What’s the best way to navigate the journey of faith? How do we best go… read more

  • April 9, 2023

    Series: Easter 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

  • March 26, 2023

    Series: Make Space

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    We do not have endless time and energy. Building our lives around the world’s constant demands will… read more

  • March 19, 2023

    Series: Make Space

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    There are times in life when we just “hit a wall.” It could be the loss… read more

  • March 5, 2023

    Series: Make Space

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    What defines your identity: your performance, your possessions, your popularity… your passions? Instead of letting these… read more

  • February 26, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Our friendships can help us move toward God or away from God. As we finish our series on Friendship Essentials, will explore the topic of alignment. The closer our friends, the more they should help us move toward God’s great mission of love and forgiveness.

  • February 5, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Many of our friendships center around shared interests; we have the same hobbies and interests or spend time together doing activities that we both enjoy. But what if our friendships had the shared value of helping each other be and become better versions of ourselves? This week, we’ll look at the friendship essential of mutual growth. Coming from the great wisdom of the Book of Proverbs, Jesus shows us how we can embrace God’s good plan for personal growth and invite our friends to speak into our lives!

  • January 29, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Recent studies have revealed a growing epidemic in the realm of friendships: people are reporting having fewer friends or even no friends and feeling less satisfied with the friendships they do have. Is there anything we can do to reverse this trend? A great place to start would be to realize that Jesus called his followers his “friends” and lived a life defined by great friendships. As a Jewish man in first century Palestine, we know he would have read the Bible book of Proverbs, a collection of time-tested wisdom, which includes powerful insights on friendship. During this five-week series, we’ll see how the Proverbs Jesus loved can help us improve our ability to give and receive friendship, and how we can be counted among Jesus’ friends.

  • January 15, 2023

    Series: aka God

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    One of the most personal ways Jesus referred to God is as Father. He even recommended prayer our prayers to begin with “Our Father.” The word “father” can bring to mind so many different thoughts and feelings. Pastor Jason looks at some of what it means to call God our Father and how in our times of hurt, we can experience the parental compassion of God.

  • January 8, 2023

    Series: aka God

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    Pastor Jason kicks off the AKA God series as he shares how we can experience God as Elohim—the Creator of all things good and beautiful.

  • January 1, 2023

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    New Year’s 2023 Message

  • December 18, 2022

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    What should we do when life doesn’t as planned? We can believe that God is directing us to divine detours! Christmas reminds us that God’s love directs our lives. Pastor Jason looks at a prophecy about the infant Jesus becoming a refugee in Egypt, and we’ll explore how God is still in the business of guiding us to safety and peace.

  • December 11, 2022

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    We always wait for that next big thing—that job, that relationship, healing, and event that will move us up in life. But God is at work in the small things. Christmas reminds us that God’s greatest work comes from a place of humility. Pastor Jason looks at one of the great Bible prophecies about Jesus’ birth: that the King of Kings would be born in a poor, defenseless village. We’ll explore how we can be more aware of God’s power in our lives, especially when we feel weak and vulnerable.

  • November 27, 2022

    Series: Thanks + Giving

    THANKS+GIVING. It’s more than a holiday food-fest. God has designed within us a powerful connection between gratitude and generosity. Join us this weekend for worship, communion, and an invitation to “let our thanks lead to giving to God and others!”

  • November 13, 2022

    Series: Get Ready

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    God wants us to be encouraged about the future! This weekend we explore how the early Christians living in Thessalonica were anxious about the end of the world but learned to find hope and take steps to be ready for Jesus’ return—and how we can do the same.

  • November 6, 2022

    Series: Get Ready

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    God has a beautiful plan for human intimacy. In this message, we explore how the early Christians living in Thessalonica honored God with their sexuality and how we can do the same. We’ll learn why we should honor our bodies as a part of a larger plan God has for our lives and how our sexual self-control is a way to love others.

  • October 23, 2022

    Series: Get Ready

    Speaker: Jason Cusick

    When Jesus finished his time on earth two thousand years ago, he said he’d return! He said we’d know he was coming back because there would be wars, catastrophes, and confusing religious teaching. We have all that! Are we living in the “end times?” In this five-week series, we’ll look at the New Testament book of 1 Thessalonians, which was written to people who had a lot of questions about the return of Jesus and the end of the world. We’ll discover God’s advice for living in a world that appears to be on the brink of self-destruction.